HSA Dues 2024-2025

As an entirely volunteer organization, open to all PWES parents/guardians, the HSA depends on your help.  If able, we ask families to pay "dues" each year to support our activities.  However, membership is automatic and no fees are required to participate.  There are opportunities for everyone to get involved.  Throughout the year, the HSA organizes events and programs to enhance the school experience for students, families, teachers, and staff.


Dues are payable via credit/debit card online or by check, payable to the Penn Wynne HSA. Please send checks in with your student in an envelope marked HSA. Teachers will make sure the envelope gets to the main office in the HSA mailbox.


Suggested Donations:

  • Grades K-3 = $25/child
  • Grade 4 = $60/child
  • Family Cap (2+ children in any grade) = $75
  • Pay What You Can = $ donor's choice


Questions?  Email PWESTreasurer@gmail.com.  Thank you!